
Customer-oriented start-ups

In the past year, most business models selling goods or services to customers were pushed by the changes in the market dynamics to start a journey online or consolidate an existent presence in the online environment. 然而,, for most of them, online is still a new planet dominated by two species: competition and customers.

In terms of competition, there is only one way to stay ahead of your competitors and create an unbeatable competitive advantage, and that is to find the ideal customer before they do.

On the other hand, looking for your customers should be done using a behavioural approach. It matters less how you differentiate your customers by age, 性别, 位置, cultural background, or other similar metrics. Instead, the main differentiator should be their motivation. Why do they behave in specific ways? Why are some of them buying your products and others are not? You need to understand their pull or push to comprehend, 收购, 捍卫, and bond with what matters to them.

One distinct feature of your customers is that they are attracted to anything they find familiar. Therefore, they associate themselves with predictable and comfortable environments. People, in general, always perceive what their mind is ready to comprehend. 因此, you must create communication content in a way that enables you to deliver the expected familiarity.

The way you sell your products should be done from a customer perspective, and the content should always be about the customer. It is not about how good or special your product is but how your customer perceives it. And it is wrong to assume that if you like something, everyone will too.

People perceive their environment using receptors. If you do not stimulate these receptors in the right way, your business will fail to reach the customer in the shortest time possible. What does failure mean? More resources to maintain a trial-and-error journey to scale your business. What do you risk? Wasting resources and, ultimately, killing your inner motivation.

Although finding your customer online is like seeking a needle in a haystack, remember that not everyone who buys your product is your ideal customer. Often, some customers buy less but spend more, while others spend less but buy more frequently. Others visit your online space once a day but do not buy at all. Have you ever wondered which customer category is the one you must focus on and why?

Our journey to discover your ideal customer starts by looking at the market’s data. Using meaningful data, we can create intuitive hypotheses that shape behavioural profiles. Behavioural profiles will then define the target audience for which we ultimately design stimuli to communicate with. Start-ups use our approach to drive exponential growth because causality is behind every customer’s oriented strategy.

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